CV Formatter - Trusted by 100+ Recruitment Leaders Worldwide


CV Formatting Solution, recruiters' best friend!

As a headhunter, I'm constantly dealing with a high volume of CVs. CVFormatter has significantly streamlined our workflow. The software's ability to automatically format CVs to our company's standards has saved countless hours. The clean and professional output is a huge plus, making a great first impression on our clients. Daisy, the Co-Founder, has been incredibly supportive. She's always available to answer questions and provide assistance. Combined with the excellent functionality of CVFormatter, this makes for a truly great experience. I'm grateful for their commitment to customer satisfaction.
Global Recruiter | Judobi

Firstly, a huge thank you! We have been experiencing a lot of frustration around CV wait times, admin costs, ChatGPT inefficiencies but now it feels like our problems have been solved! Feedback from our 30+ recruiters:

  • What would have taken hours now happens in minutes
  • Able to multitask, be more efficient
  • Makes life so much easier
  • It is sooooooo much better than Chat GPT and any issues are easily fixed once it is in the FCV Word format. Thank you for finding a better solution
Anna Miskelly
Coordinator | Scotford Fennessy Recruitment
We used to rely on part-time staff for formatting services based on demand. The use of CVFormatter has streamlined the resume formatting process, making a significant improvement in our turnaround time and reducing our operational costs.
Lawrence Chan
Co-founder |
Your CVFormatter is the best auto resume formatter i have used. I switched companies and will definitely be using it going forward- i will also recommend it to other people in the industry. This tool is much better than AllSorter because AllSorter doesn’t follow the format you give it. I will definitely recommend CVFormatter to my other colleagues in my current network!
Andrew Sasser
Headhunter | Incendia Partners
CVFormatter has saved me literally hours since we signed up, which is only about 2 weeks ago. I am fast approaching formatting 50 CV's and submitting them to clients very quickly. It's also very very quickly able to generate an AI profile of each and every candidate. Every CV is in the same format, which looks so much more presentable. We can even format large CV's that are full of text boxes that would normally take us a long time to format. It's been an incredible time saver for us, an amazing find. Truly a brilliant system that we will continue to use to its fullest.
Paul Ingram
Managing Director | P.I.E.R. Recruit
CVFormatter improves my workflow as I'm able to get resumes out to clients quicker. Depending on the resumes, this tool could save me 10 to 45 minutes per resume. As a sole proprietor, the main benefit is the time saved and it's worth the price!
AJ Lewis
Managing Partner | The AJL Group

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